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Looking for a wordsmith for your website?
Your internet surfing🏄ends here!

Hey! I am

Abhay Pratap

Your friendly neighborhood COPYMAN

Oh yes! I am a superhero

And I have the power to ignite your business with the words that convert. How, you ask?

Let me take a superhero pose first to answer this one.

I am a Copywriter and Content Writer on a mission


A mission to help solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, personal brands, coaches, and businesses narrate compelling stories about their brands that impact the readers into becoming customers. Peeps, its time for some self-introspection.


Halt! Take this seriously if only you aim to grow your digital empire.

Tick the boxes below if:

You are struggling with a bad website copy


You want to improve your brand presence with a copy that sells


Poor web content is leading to poor customer engagement


Its hard to manage content on the website daily


Stuck in the strategic department with no time for content development


You understand the gravity of content marketing but have little knowledge

I see your checked boxes
Don’t worry, your answers shall remain with me
That’s a superhero promise



Scroll below to find out what👇



Copywriting is the art of engaging the customer’s psychology with the correct choice of words. Copywriting doesn’t just involve fancy words; it consists in narrating compelling brand stories using storytelling. Are you someone aiming to set up the business online and require and skilled copywriter in this expedition? Or are you already on the web but are struggling with making revenue because of a cringe copy? In both cases, I can be at your service.



Long-form content writing is a mix of original, unique, plagiarism-free, and premium content. However, many can write the right content. Content for your website is of no use if it doesn’t help your website rank on the search engines. Therefore, I will help you with the premium content by using SEO-based practices that ultimately boost your revenue.

Business Consultation


Are you handling the content department well and all you need is some guidance on content marketing and management? Well, I can pinpoint you in the right direction so that you can take things up to the next level.

Handling the wordy business calls for a specialist.

Let’s see who is that skilled here.

To your left? Right?

On your screen.

BINGO! You got me.



Creativity has always been my game or let’s just say I am a creative being. I have pushed myself into fields where creativity was valued highly right from my school years. When I was younger and considering my job possibilities, I stumbled onto the content writing industry. I started as a freelancer, subsequently joined a corporate firm, and I'm still in the corporate world. But my passion for creativity compelled me to improve, and it was at this point that I fell in love with the concept of copywriting. I educated myself using free web resources, and then I utilized everything I learned at my full-time job.

My goal is to improve your business’s online functioning by completely giving a makeover to your web copy. By bringing you closer to your prospects and offering the right kind of premium and educational content that creates the groundwork for growth, I aspire to leverage the power of words to assist you in building digital empires.

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Rave Reviews

“Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products.
Change the text and add your own."

Alexa Young, CA

Looking for some knowledge? Take a look at my writing pieces


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+91 9876221172

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